Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 13 Sunday, July 3rd 2011

We all slept in again till 10. Su picked us all up to go to his church today. On the way we picked up Kat and Su's 15 year old boy he's supporting. Beza is his church. It's an international church and they have several church plants around the world. The service we went to was in English and the speaker was from India. It was a very powerful message, and it lasted almost 3 hours. I didn't even notice because I was so engulfed in his message. His english was pretty hard to understand, so I wonder how many mistranslations there were when he preached at the Amharic service :)

AFter church we went to eat lunch at Lime Tree. A couple girls on the team looked a bit pale (Carrie and Alex) at the table. There was no denying that they were sick, especially when Carrie left the table to go throw up. I'm sure the tuna pizza she ordered helped out with that though.... The sickness is spreading around to everyone and not everyone has it the same.... or maybe there are several things going around. After not being hungry the past week from being sick I ate my entire pizza. I pretty much engulfed it. Sammy ate with us. We always enjoy his company and the service of translating he does for us.

We all finished eating and hopped back on the bus. We dropped Alex and Carrie home while the rest of us got to go visit Sammy's home. We were all very excited to see where he lives. He lives with his mother and sister and occasionally his brother, when he's not traveling. We got to meet his fiance finally :) After awhile we thought she didn't exist. She is very pretty and was kind enough to fix us a traditional coffee ceremony. Coffee here is unbelievably good. While we were drinking our coffee we made sammy get out old picture of himself. It was so fun and what a cute little sammy he was! He looks exactly the same as he did when he was a little toddler... Hahaha! His sister was there as well and sat with us. Her name is Happy, that's her nickname. She studies Civil Engineering at a college or university.... I can't remember. A University is funded by the Government and the colleges are privately funded. Is it the same here in the U.S.? I've never really paid attention to that..... hmmm.

It was so fun to see Sammy's home and where he grew up. It was a homey home. We left and Sammy went on to a fundrasing event with his best man. Sammy's wedding is in August. We all went to an internet cafe so I could email Barrett the plan for next week in remodeling the W.A.R. factory. The internet wouldn't work and as we were all about to leave the lady said it was working. We all got done what we wanted to and the woman made me pay for the time it wasn't working. I should have stood my ground and not paid, because I think she was taking advantage of the fact I was foreign. Oh well, What ever.... it was only 8 Birr. Next time she can kiss my foreign American ass.... AMERICA! (I always yell that out when Americans do something or say something typically "American")

The grocery store was our next stop on our list. We got supplies to make our fourth of July celebration meal. I'm so excited about this! We got watermelon, chicken, canned peaches, potatoes for mashed potatoes, peas, butter, and etc. OH MAN! I'm really excited about this meal! The item I'm most excited about is real actual butter. YESSSSS!! So excited! NEver thought that one of the things I would miss most would be butter.

When we arrived back at the house it was pretty late already. At least it felt like it... It probably wasn't really that late. The sun seems to go down pretty early here. Around 6 or 6:30. Anyway, we got back and just chilled around. Me, Emily, and Julia had Ramen for Dinner. Oh. my. gosh. So. Good. Ramen never tasted so good. I was a happy camper during dinner.


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